Dedicated To Public Evangelism and A Sound Understanding of The Scriptures



Declaring salvation in Christ through the union of Faith, Love, and Repentance


Please read this most important treatise:

Are You Truly Ready To Meet The Lord?

This site is dedicated to evangelism and promoting the true gospel of Jesus Christ to all willing to put their love and trust in the Lord for their redemption. In this age of easy believism, there are so many "professing Christians" on the path to eternal destruction. This stems from the falsehood that one can have the world and Christ too through a simple profession of faith without any turning away from their ungodly ways. The false teachers have failed to communicate the genuine message, "Ye must be born again John 3:3", "Except ye repent ye likewise perish Luke 13:3", "Friendship with the world is enmity against God James 4:4", "You can't serve two masters Matthew 6:24", and "The unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God 1 Corinthians 6:9 ". If you are new to the Christian faith, the most valuable first step is reading the Bible from start to finish.

True salvation is predicated upon genuine saving faith that will manifest itself in sincere love for the Lord and repentance (turning away from sin). While no one can live a perfect and sinless life, one in love with God will strive for obedience to the scriptures. Man is weak and frail and could never earn his salvation. This genuine love, repentance, and obedience that accompanies the new birth is not the cause of salvation, but simply a reflection of it. When the Holy Spirit truly takes up residence in our lives it includes a drastic change of heart that also manifests itself in a changed life.

The Many Paths For Evangelism

In addition to seeking to promote sound preaching and teaching this site is dedicated to advancing the Kingdom of Christ through public evangelism. The great commission is a burden the entire Christian community shares and there is an abundance of opportunities for each of us to promote the growth of the church. If you are interested in the lost and great commission, please read the above article. The core of evangelism is simply planting gospel seeds that the Holy Spirit will make grow. Man does not call a guilty sinner to true love for God and repentance. If salvation was simply founded upon talking one into the faith, the very next day he or she could just as easily be talked out of the faith. Man plants a seed, through the hearing of the gospel one is convicted of sin, and through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit salvation is fully manifested. 

   Gospel Tract Formatted for Distribution

This is an extensive gospel tract to challenge readers about their need for the Lord. It can be printed two sided and folded in three parts for distribution.


How Important is Theology and Sound Doctrine?

Many in the Christian community discount the importance of fully understanding what the bible teaches on key doctrines. One may ask, “What doctrines are truly essential to the church? What doctrines are non-essential?” Opinions will widely differ on these two questions. The more important matter is the responsibility of every Christian to understand their faith. The below links will hopefully aid discerning Christians in understanding basic theological principles that may vary between Baptists, Presbyterians, Methodists, Anabaptists, or Pentecostals. I am a stronger advocate for learning and understanding, over a devotion to any single denomination. I have met both true believers and false teachers in each of these segments of Christianity. It is vital for Christians to identify with and support the local church. This association can frequently involve circumstances where one may not agree with 100% of the teachings of a particular congregation. The Christian’s identification of a local church for fellowship and service is more vital than identification of perfect theology in that congregation. There should be a balance of Christian piety and sound doctrine in whatever environment we make our church home. This balance can vary within different denominations and different congregations.


Valuable Evangelistic and Theological Links

We trust that you will find this site to be faithful to the truth of God's word and useful in your walk with the Lord. Included are links to a variety of sites that can be beneficial to the discerning heart. In evaluating any material, one must be wise in considering that which can be supported in the scriptures versus that which is not.
Principles of creation as presented in the Bible.

Apologetic site of former atheist turned evangelist

International and domestic Anabaptist missions

Evangelism centered in countries hostile to the Gospel

General church and theological resource

Widely respected Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689

Widely respected Baptist Confession of Faith of 1646

Widely adopted Presbyterian Confession of Faith

Widely adopted Anabaptist Confession of Faith

Matthew Henry’s Commentary of the Bible

John Gill’s Commentary of the Bible

John Calvin’s Commentary of the Bible

Menno Simons works on the Bible

Charles Spurgeon Archive

John Wesley’s works on the Bible



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Our Mission:

Our mission is to plant the seeds of (1) man's condemnation before a holy God without the forgiveness of sin and (2)that the only means of salvation is through the threefold union of faith in Christ, love for God, and repentance. As these seeds are planted in the hearts of men through evangelistic efforts, it is only God who can bring about man's true conversion which will include a desire for a holy way of life pleasing to the Lord.

Our Vision:

Our vision is that the people of God would pour their hearts into serving the Lord wholeheartedly. The "Christian Community" is at its weakest point in history as man attempts to walk with God and walk with the world at the same time. In this age of easy-believism so many people have been deceived by the lie that simple common faith saves a man. Many of us have had "faith" since a young age and not until much later received the Lord’s touch upon our lives and the miracle of salvation. In our youth we may have never doubted the person of Christ or questioned the bible. Many of us were led to say the sinner's prayer and attended church regularly.  We followed all the things so many false professors place their hope in. It was not until our faith was met with a love for God that manifested in repentance and growing obedience did we truly find Christ as Savior and Lord. Today it is our desire to spread the true gospel of a personal and intimate union with Christ that is most clearly evidenced in a changed life.

Thank you for visiting this site and may the Lord richly bless you as you seek to serve Him!!!































#Street preaching

#Street preachers

#Sound doctrine


#Great commission


#Local church

#Historic baptist